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'A bit of FRY and LAWRIE' |
"Man I saw you on tv tonight with Stephen Fry, eating a sausage. Haha".
That's right, we are officially famous in the UK and we got to meet someone famous too. So here's the story.
We were in London in Notting Hill during October with Joel and Emily, two of our friends from home. We were walking down the market street Portobello Road when we saw some BBQ's lined up. We could smell sausages cooking, and well, if you dangle a bunch of cooking sausages in front of a group of Aussies you are bound to capture their attention. Mike and Joel wandered over to check out what the sausage situation was and before we knew it we were being offered free sausages and the chance to appear on tv with Stephen Fry. After signing waivers that basically said we couldn't sue if we got poisoned by the sausages, all we had to do was wait for Stephen Fry to turn up.
For those who don't know who Stephen Fry is, it's this guy:
Mike and Joel had no clue who he was at the time, and it was only later that I looked it up in wiki and found out that it's THE Stephen Fry, English television all-rounder and household name over here in the UK. So safe to say when i told a couple of people back home about our encounter they were pretty impressed. It turns out he was in Notting Hill to film a new show for British tv called 'Stephen Fry: Gadget Man'. Basically he goes around testing different gadgets and the theme for this particular episode was BBQ's. So they had set up a few high-tech BBQ's on Portobello Road and that's where we came in.
After waiting around for about half an hour, we saw Stephen casually strolling down the street as they filmed. I managed to take a sneaky couple of photos:
And while I was taking this, we witnessed somebody who was a little too excited to see Stephen Fry walking down the street. An Asian tourist saw Stephen, dropped her stuff, and started screaming and stamping and going hysterical. She didn't speak any English which only added to how funny it was. Little did she know Stephen was about to feed us sausages...
After a couple of takes it was our time to do what we came to do- eat. He passed us around a few samples and then asked us our thoughts- which is awkward when you have a mouthful of sausage and a camera in your face.
At the end of the shooting he said to us 'thank you local Notting Hill-ers', to which we proudly said 'no, we're Australian!'. Stephen Fry just laughed and said 'well, you guys know all about BBQ's then'. Yeah we do.
So here's the link to our 1 second of fame on the show, though sadly I think it only plays in the UK. Check out the screen shot instead (that's pretty much all you see in the video anyway).
We watch Stephen Fry every week on QI! mum xo